Legislative District 17 Team is Searching for Summer 2023 Interns

I’m excited to share with you that my office is now searching for a handful of summer 2023 interns to join the Legislative District 17 Team. As a legislative intern, you will engage in legislative research, bill analyses, constituent services casework and meetings, and office communications. Ideally our chosen interns will be able to work at least one day per week starting the week of July 3 through August 30.  An internship helps give young people the opportunity to see what it’s like to work in a specific job field and gain the experience they need to learn firsthand what that position entails.

Any interested applicants should send an email to my office at asmdanielsen@njleg, with the subject line “Summer Intern 2023”, and include their resume. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and reside in Legislative District 17. There will be an in-person interview held at my office for all applicants.

For any additional information about interning with the Legislative District 17 Office, please contact my office at (732)-247-3999, or at [email protected].


Always at your Service,

Joe Danielsen